Terms & Conditions



Airport City Academy is incorporated in the Netherlands with company registration No.  68579128 and whose Registered Office is at Jekerstraat 44, 1078 MD Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Our VAT number is NL 95 RABO 0318 2811 47 .

The present General Terms and Conditions (GTC) contain exclusively applicable conditions between us, the Airport City Academy, Jekerstraat 44, 1078 MD Amsterdam, The Netherlands, hereinafter “seller,” “we,” “our” and/or “us”) and a consumer or entrepreneur (hereinafter “customer,” “you” and/or “your”), for the purchase of the goods and services offered, unless modified by written contracts between the parties.

Consumer within the meaning of these terms and conditions is any natural person who concludes a legal transaction for purposes that are predominantly ascribable to neither his commercial nor his independent professional activity. Entrepreneur within the meaning of these terms and conditions is a natural or legal person or a legal partnership, which acts in the execution of a legal transaction in the exercise of their commercial or independent professional activity.

Changes to these terms and conditions will be communicated to the customer in writing by e-mail. If the customer does not object to this change within four weeks after receiving the notification, the changes shall be deemed accepted by the customer.

By registering for a Course and purchasing a Ticket for a Course you represent that 1) you have read, understood and agree to be bound by this Contract and 2) you are at least 18 years old. If you do not agree to (or cannot comply with) any of these terms and conditions, do not attempt to register for a Course and do not purchase a Ticket.



The presentation of Courses and/or other goods and services is not a binding offer of the seller. Only the order of a product or service by the customer is a binding offer. The seller can accept this offer within seven (7) days. In the case of the acceptance of the purchase offer by the seller, the seller sends an order confirmation by e-mail to the customer.

During the ordering process, the customer has the opportunity to correct the entries made. Before completing the order process, the customer will receive a summary of all order details and will have the opportunity to review his details.

The contract is concluded in English.

The seller contacts the customer via e-mail and automated order processing. The customer ensures that the e-mail address entered by her/him is correct.



The purchase price is due immediately upon ordering. The payment of the goods takes place by means of the provided payment methods.

The prices stated at the time of ordering apply. The prices stated in the price information include the statutory sales tax.

Discount codes must be used at the time of purchasing the Tickets. Group booking discounts can only be accepted upon purchases of Tickets from the same company.

Your purchase cannot be accepted until payment in full for the Tickets ordered has been received by us, at which time a legally binding contract on the terms set out in this Contract will become effective.

The seller will accept the substitution of one course participant for another upon written notification and with identification to prove the substitution is with the contract of the original purchaser.

Tickets for Courses are subject to availability. We shall be entitled to withdraw from any order for Tickets made by you where obvious errors have been made.

Against claims of the seller, the customer can only offset with undisputed or legally established or decision-ready counterclaims.



Consumers are in principle entitled to a right of withdrawal. The seller must receive all cancellations for Courses in writing prior to the Course. Our cancellation policy is detailed below.

Cancellations received:

  • more than 30 days prior to the event: full refund/no payment due.
  • more than 14 days and up to 30 days prior to the event: 50% refund and 50% payment due.
  • 14 days or less prior to the event: no refund/full payment due.



The seller does not accept liability for any loss of, or damage to, the personal property of attendees at a Course.

The seller is liable for intent and gross negligence. Furthermore, the seller is liable for the negligent breach of obligations whose fulfillment makes the proper execution of the contract possible in the first place, whose violation jeopardizes the achievement of the purpose of the contract and on whose compliance a customer regularly trusts. In the latter case, however, the seller is liable only for the foreseeable, contract-typical damage. The seller is not liable for slightly negligent breaches of obligations other than those specified in the preceding sentences.

The seller reserves the right to cancel, defer or modify a Course without prior notice. The seller will not be responsible for any loss, damage or cost as a result of such unavailability.

Our liability for losses you suffer as a result of canceling, deferring and/or modifying a Course is strictly limited to the purchase price of the Tickets you purchased.



We may arrange for photographs or video to be taken at the Course. It is possible that you may be included in any such photograph or video that may then be used in our future marketing materials. By attending the Course, you consent to such photographs and video, and their use for marketing purposes.

Attendees may not make audio or audiovisual recordings at any Course.



Data communication via the Internet can not be guaranteed error-free and/or available at any time according to the current state of the art. The seller is not liable for the continuous and uninterrupted availability of the online trading system and the online offers.



Changes or additions to these Terms and Conditions must be made in writing.

The law of the Kingdom of the Netherlands applies to this Contract. Mandatory provisions of the state in which a consumer has his habitual residence remain unaffected.

The customer expressly agrees that the courts of the Kingdom of the Netherlands shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any claim or dispute.

Insofar as a consumer had her/his domicile or habitual residence in the Kingdom of the Netherlands upon conclusion of the contract and either relocated at the time of filing the action or his whereabouts are unknown at this time, the place of jurisdiction for all disputes shall be the place of business of the seller.

If a consumer does not have his domicile or habitual residence in a member state of the European Union, the courts at the place of business of the seller are exclusively responsible for all disputes.

This Contract is only for the benefit of the customer and the seller. No other person can claim a benefit from this Contract.

Should individual provisions of this contract be ineffective or contradict the statutory provisions, this shall not affect the remainder of the contract. The ineffective provision shall be replaced by mutual contract by the contracting parties by means of a legally valid provision which comes closest to the economic purpose of the ineffective provision. The above provision applies in case of loopholes accordingly.

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR) available at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/. The seller does not participate in a dispute settlement procedure before a consumer arbitration board.